Sunday, March 11, 2012

Tools To Help You Develop Yourself & Team Members

When it comes to personal and professional development, I could talk all day on the topic.  I love to read.  And for the past 20 (I can't stand the thought of saying 30 which is probably more accurate.  But then again, didn't I just write 30?  I guess putting it in parenthesis makes it less real somehow.) plus years I've been a voracious reader of all things leadership, personal development, and professional development.  I also love to learn so I spend a lot of time watching, observing, and asking questions (my mom always said I asked too many questions).  There are many amazing resources at your disposal.  Those resources have helped me tremendously over the years and I want to take the time in this post to share them with you.
I understand everyone doesn't like to read but I'll start with my top five books first.  Many of these books are also available as audio books (so you can listen on your way to work, while exercising, or hanging out waiting for your kids' soccer game to start).  I have personally downloaded many of them onto my cell phone from   These books aren't new but they have withstood the test of time (and all the other books I  have read since).  

Crucial Conversations (Patterson) - Excellent book on having difficult conversations with anyone - employees, supervisors, spouses, children, even clients and suppliers.

Leading Change (John P. Kotter) - Excellent, easy read regarding how to implement change in the workplace.

Leadership is an Art (Max Dupree) - One of the easiest reading leadership books I've ever read which is why it's toward the top of my list.

Bringing Out the Best In People (Daniels) - This book is all about the power of positive reinforcement which I greatly believe in.  I always say "you get more of what you focus on."

7 Habits of Highly Effective People (Covey) - If you haven't heard of this book, you've been living under a rock.  What I love about this book is it teaches you how to prioritize and manage your time effectively.  One of the greatest complaints I hear from leaders is they don't have enough time to do everything.  This book teaches you how to focus, delegate, and eliminate activities on your calendar that are not important.  

Now for a resource that if used correctly, will become your favorite resource of all time.   

There is a resource called FYI - For Your Improvment.  Those who have worked with me know that I am a huge advocate of this resource.  Surprisingly, I don't get any kick backs for directing you to them but I'm all about sharing when I know of something I believe works.  This is a resource book that literally provides you with a variety of competencies and how to develop each one.  Let me give you an example. 

Let's say you have an employee that others tend to avoid.  Maybe they are gruff, not friendly, have a perpetual scowl on their face, or are just a little scary.  You can look through this resource, find a competency that maybe fits (there could be several) and then check it out.  In this case, the first thing that comes to mind is the competency called "Approachability."  Once I go to this section of the book, the first page provides me with a list of what it looks like to be either Unskilled, Skilled, or Overused Skill in this category.  If I determine upon reading it that my employee pretty much fits the "Unskilled" list, I can turn the page and am provided with several pages of ideas to help me develop this competency in my employee.  This resource is such a valuable tool during performance reviews as well as anytime you have a performance issue.

FYI For Your Improvement™ 5th Edition - 8 languages available

And the best thing is, you can use it to get better in a variety of competencies as well!  This resource is difficult to learn to use without someone that knows how to use it or sending someone to the training classes.  Give me a call though, I'll be happy to help you.  

This should get you started anyway.  You can count on me writing about other resources as I see them.  

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