Friday, March 16, 2012

It's Really All A Matter of Perspective

Have you ever noticed how your perspective on any given day can significantly change how you view a certain situation or event?  I think back to situations that happened five years ago that I thought were so significant at the time and my perspective today paints a much different picture.  

How does your perspective affect your role as a leader?

As is the case with all challenges, until you have mastered them they seem a bit daunting.  However, once mastered, it's no longer such a big deal.  This reminds me of school for some reason.  Mostly it reminds me of public speaking and I first embarked on that journey in high school.  Oh my gosh, is anything more nerve wracking than standing in front of an audience and speaking on a given topic.  Well, maybe one thing - singing solo in front of an audience.  I remember the fear, angst, and absolutely certainly that I couldn't ever possible face anything more terrifying or difficult to overcome than the fear of public speaking.  Long story short, with time and practice, it is second nature to me now.  My perspective changed as my confidence grew.  

The same goes for leadership.  Learning how to motivate, inspire, manage new technology, understand generation Y, and keep everyone focused on the goal seems overwhelming at first glance.  It's a lot of balls to juggle and people are all so different and unique.  As you grow in your career however, you will find yourself mastering the daily challenges of leadership.  As you master those challenges, what once was perceived as daunting and overwhelming will become second nature to you.  

So, think of it this way.  Whatever issue you are dealing with right now, whatever is driving you crazy at work, if you are diligent and find a way to resolve it, your perspective when faced with this issue again will be much different.  You see, it's all really a matter of perspective.  

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