Thursday, March 22, 2012

How Good Leaders Shape Our Lives

I'm taking a little trip down memory lane today in hopes you might also do the same.  Close your eyes (after you read this of course) and reflect back on the leaders in your life that impacted you the most - both positively and negatively.  

Think about the attributes and behaviors they demonstrated that created such an impact.  And then take a look in the mirror and see if you have any opportunities for improvement. 

The first leader that impacted me was a basketball coach in Coffeyville, KS.  I was new to the school and he convinced me to try out.  I have to say there were some really good players on our team and as a Sophomore in a new school, I was more than a bit intimidated.  As if high school isn't stressful enough, my home life had changed significantly.  This coach was so encouraging.  He worked us hard but somehow inspired us to give 100% every single day.  We practiced weekends and all through Christmas break.  I found myself practicing even when we weren't having official practice.  I just wanted to be the best I could be.  Before I knew it I was playing more Varsity than JV.  What qualities did this leader exemplify - an unwavering faith in an ability I didn't even know I possessed.  He taught me how to use my strengths and work with others to achieve success.  

The next early leader I remember is my brother.  He is a year older than me but I looked up to him as if he was 10 years older than me.  Something shifted in our relationship during the high school years and he became practically a God in my eyes.  Oh, he was tough on me, expecting good grades, good behavior, and nothing but excellence in everything I did (which I surely disappointed him on more than one occasion).  What qualities did he possess - passion for life and everything he attempted, leading by example, an unwavering protectiveness of me, and so much laughter my jaws hurt.  He taught me to both work hard and play hard and the importance of "creating memories."

There was one leader in my work life that also positively impacted me.  His name was Evan.  He was a senior leader in a very large organization who had stacks and stacks of work on his desk.  Evan did something as a leader I had never witnessed a leader do before.  Whenever I needed to talk to him (which wasn't often), he would invite me into his office and assure me I wasn't bothering him at all (which we all know I was), then he would get up from his desk (away from his computer and the distractions of work), walk over to a little table with two chairs in his office and invite me to sit down.  During the brief time I needed to talk to him, he made me feel like I was the only person in the world that was important.  As an employee, I never felt more valued and appreciated than I did during that time.  

Of course there were many bad leaders along the way too, but the leaders mentioned here shaped me at an early age.  They inspired me to be a better person and a better leader.  Truth be told, they may have a lot to do with the fact that I'm even writing this blog.  Wouldn't it be amazing to have that kind of impact on another human being?  


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