Friday, March 23, 2012

How Bad Leaders Impact An Organization

Yesterday I wrote about the impact good leaders can have on not only a work experience but a life.  Unfortunately, bad leaders can also impact lives and organizations.  

Maybe bad leaders are not bad people but just bad leaders.  I'm not sure which is the case but I do know they also impact people's lives.  I'm going to provide a run down of types of bad leaders and then briefly discuss their impact.  This list is not at all intended to be all-inclusive and I'd be happy to hear your additions to the list.  

1.  The Screamer
2.  The "I didn't plan so you need to pay"
3.  The Game player
4.  The Hawk
5.  Mr./Mrs. Invisible
6.  Mr/Mrs. Arrogant aka "Do As I Say Because I'm The Boss"
7.  Mr./Mrs. Incompetent
8.  Mr./Mrs. Rogers
9.  The Drill Sergeant

Some of the labels I've provided are a bit harsh but you all know it's true.  And the impact of each is pretty similar.  Many of us have worked for leaders that obviously have no idea what they are doing and don't even realize they need help (Incompetent).  These leaders make our lives miserable because they can't help us.  

Mr./Mrs. Rogers wants to be everyone's friend so they get involved in gossip, give you information about your peers that you shouldn't know, and generally try to be your friend instead of your leader.  This makes it very difficult for them to provide you honest feedback that will allow you to grow and flourish to the next level.

The Screamer and Drill Sergeant are self-explanatory and I only hope you aren't enduring this person right now.  Worse yet, I hope you aren't this person (unless of course, you actually happen to be a drill sergeant).  

The Hawk is the micro-manager that believes the only way people will work is if you hover over them.  

And the Game Player . . . my personal favorite - NOT.  This is the person that likes to play head games with people.  They give mixed messages just to see what you'll do with it.  These people like to instigate drama for some odd reason.  And as an employee, you never know where you stand with them.  

The impact of each of these personalities are fairly easy to guess.  The impact is first realized in lost productivity, unhappiness, disgruntled employees, people missing work because they can't stand to be there, and general low morale.  Ultimately, good employees leave the organization because they can't stand working for the "bad leader."  And finally, after much too much time has passed and damage has occurred, the leader is counseled and/or realizes there is a problem.  That's the obvious impact.  Let's talk about the behind the scenes impact.  

These people destroy lives as well as businesses.  Employees go home stressed and wanting to quit their jobs.  They yell at spouses and kids.  They drink too much.  The environment at work impacts them personally - emotionally and physically.  It creates a chain reaction.  

And why am I telling you this?  Make sure you are NOT one of these leaders.  



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