Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Are We Having Fun Yet?

Life is serious business.  And business is even more serious (if that's even possible).  Do you think anyone really wants to spend 8, 10, or 12 hours a day someplace that's boring, frustrating, and/or the people have no sense of humor whatsoever?  As a leader, when you hear laughter at work, that should be music to your ears.  And as a human being, lie is short, and if you aren't having fun at work, you might want to reconsider your approach to work.  

I never did a day's work in my life. It was all fun.

Are You Having Fun?
Let's face it, you are the leader.  If you aren't having fun, it's likely nobody else is either.  It kind of reminds me of that saying "when mama's not happy, nobody's happy."  You are responsible for the mood at work just like stay at home moms are largely responsible for the mood in the home.  
A business has to be involving, it has to be fun,
 and it has to exercise your creative instincts.

Just because you may not be having fun right now doesn't mean you have to switch jobs (although that is one option).  The great thing about life is we can choose to have fun right where we are.  And contrary to popular belief, we can have fun and still be highly productive. Some tips for having more fun:
  • Lighten up a little and let others tease you.
  • Do something that makes you happy during the day.  I mean really makes you happy.  More like joyous.  
  • Laugh at yourself and your own stupid mistakes.
  • Take a mental break and focus on a place you've been when you were most at peace.
  • Do something for your team members that you know would make them happy.
Sometimes in our quest to make more money, meet the customer's demands, and make our productivity numbers, we lose sight of the human experience.  Don't forget to be human at work too.

Are Your Employees Having Fun?

When it comes to retention of great employees there is a mis-perception that it's all about money.  Throw more money at them and they'll stay.  Yet when you ask people why they are leaving it often has to do with the available opportunities and the environment.  We've all heard that people leave bosses not organizations.  That's not always true but there definitely is some truth to it.  And I don't know about you but I'm much more likely to stay someplace where I enjoy the atmosphere and the people.  

People want to laugh.  People need to laugh.  It's a great stress reliever and it's fun.  And most people are drawn to others that make them laugh.  I'm not suggesting you should allow your people to laugh all day but it may benefit you to create an environment that is fun, enthusiastic, and allows others to enjoy life just a bit.  Wouldn't we all be more interested in getting to work in the morning if we knew we were going to have fun with others while  working?  Hey, they might even want to stay longer! Fun and work no longer have to  be mutually exclusive.  As a matter of fact they shouldn't be.  

And hey if you have been so serious for so long that you don't even know how to have fun at work anymore, ask your employees - I'm sure they will be full of creative solutions for you.


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